oh ?

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✧・゚: Welcome! :・゚✧

This is headphonetrash's carrd.
( ´ ▽ ` )ノ ❤ Hello!

About Me

• Cy
• 24 (6/28/1999)
• He / They
This is primarily an art account, but doubles as my personal account! My art is done on a Huion Camvas Pro 13.


Honestly I like WAY too many different media across all genres of things to list a full list, but these are just some of the things I'll most likely be posting about. Feel free to strike up a conversation with me!CURRENT FIXATIONS
D.Gray Man・Resident Evil・JJK
Persona・Fire Emblem・Trigun
NieR Automata ・ Baldur's Gate 3
(*Especially HW, Ascians, Ancients, and Pandæmonium)

Before You Follow

・My twitter is rt heavy and post dump heavy at times.
・I am currently in college, so my schedule being online and posting depends on my current class schedule.
・If you are a terf/pedo/racist/whatever. I'll block you.


Thank you for reading this far!Feel free to interact with me by all means! I love to talk to new people, I just don't usually message first.For any XIV players, I primarily play on Sargatanas (Aether)!Also keep in mind I am 24, so if you're a minor you can follow me, just be aware of this.

If you're looking for commission info, it's pinned to my twitter HERE